Nigerian flag Embassy of Nigeria in Damascus

Phonelocal: (011) 612.8923
international: +963.11.612.8923
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Comments on this Embassy

Akinyemi Taiwo
Fri, 30 May 2014 00:30 EDT
is it real or fraud
Ineed your assistance as regarding some information in Syria.
I applied for a loan with one Riyad Isa and we asked to meet with a lawyer as I don't have collateral for the amount. I was sent a lawyers contact which is
Law Office of Ghazi S Ghazzi,
Salhieh - Asia Clothes Building,
Damascus, Syria
Phone: +963 11 222 9798
On contacting this lawyer, i was told that I have to buy a surety bond which will cost me $20,000Here is the mail I received below.
We appreciate your correspondence with us here at Law Office of Ghazi
S Ghazzi, Damascus, Syria. We are poised to give you the best service
The Debt financing agreement is ready and also the surety bond documents.
Surety bonds ensure that returns on investment are paid according to
contract, which is critical for financing on international
transactions where landed properties cannot be used.  Entrepreneurs
purchase them when negotiating a loan, but don’t worry if you don’tknow much about them. As expert surety negotiation specialists, we are
here just for you.
We decided to work with Syria General Insurance Company, as you get
the lowest rate available without any additional brokerage fees.
Their bond rates typically fall below 2%. We can therefore say that
they offer the best rates in the market.
We have discussed with Syria General Insurance Company about your
transaction and they have informed us that the cost of the premium to
purchase the surety bond to cover the financing of your loan is
US$20,000 only.Each bond that’s issued binds three entities together.
    * The obligee is the Investor requiring the bond to ensure the
entrepreneur pays the necessary returns appropriately.
    * The principal is the entrepreneur who purchases the bond as a
guarantee that loan will be re-paid.
    * The surety is the underwriter that issues the bond, thus
guaranteeing that loan will be re-paid.
If there is a claim on the bond due to nonpayment or other contractual
breech, the Investor files a claim on the bond. If the claim is found
to be valid, the surety that issued the bond will make sure the
wronged party is compensated. Since the bonding process effectively
brings a neutral third party in to execute the agreement, it provides
a certain measure of reassurance to all involved with a project —
particularly projects that involve a great deal of money.
You are to send the initial premium fees immediately to purchase the
bond and to expedite the rest of the process including due diligence,
prequalification, underwriting and bond execution.
Once your payment of the premium fees is confirmed by wire transfer in
the account provided by the Surety (SGIC),The bond will be executed
and The Investor will  sign the debt agreement and make a wire transfer of the Investment to the Account information provided by you
within 48 hours of the confirmation.
Please confirm your readiness to proceed with the necessary
obligations so that we can provide you with the relevant documents to
move forward.
Get back to me accordingly.
Yours Sincerely,
Dr. Ghazi S. Ghazzi
Principal Partner
Law Office of Ghazi S Ghazzi
Sir, I want you to kindly confirm if this is fraud or real so I don't fall victim.
My email is
I anticipate your response Sir.
Tue, 3 Dec 2013 02:08 EST
I wish to bring to your Notice the disturbing and incompetence nature of other foreign embassies abroad. i run an N.G.O Destined for Nigerians in Diaspora, and every complain of a Nigerian outside her nation territory is our concern.

i always look into the complains of Nigerians in the but i always felt dissapionted. some complains are there for more than 2years without any body bothering to attend to them. the site was created to assist and solve problems of every Nigerians Abroad, why are they now neglecting their Duties, are the embassies running away from their duty. i query them in respect manner. it is a good initiative to create a site like this, which any Nigerian all over the world facing one issue or the other, can reach to his or her authority. but it is like the site is now turned into fun or a chat room.

the most annoying part is every time i come check my comment post in this site my comments are always not there, meaning deleted. why did you delete my comments when there are no critics against me, and my comments?. are you telling me i should stop trying to reach my people. why is my comments deleted embassy finder, you must tell me. or are working with the Nigeria government where the voice of the voiceless is not heard? this is my dream, this is my mission, reaching to every Nigerians outside her Nation Territory, and this site embassy finder is a good source. so tell me what you mean by deleting my messages and comments. i will move to any length on this, or write me to explain.

sabah mahdi
Wed, 28 Aug 2013 10:07 EDT
ممكن اعرف رقم السفير علي عباس بندر لان اشتريت منه سيارة واريد اتكلم وياه السيارة هي دايو برنس وهذا ايميلي على الفيس بك( وتلفوني هو(07811186540) وشكرا ممكن الرد ارجوك
sabah mahdi
Wed, 28 Aug 2013 09:06 EDT
ممكن اعرف رقم السفير علي عباس بندر لان اشتريت منه سيارة واريد اتكلم وياه السيارة هي دايو برنس
abduhamid ahmed musawa
Tue, 9 Jul 2013 19:53 EDT
to tuch about damascus
tnxs father
Fri, 7 Jun 2013 09:56 EDT
Sun, 5 May 2013 19:58 EDT
فلسطيني الجنسية وعروبي الهوية
انا مواطن فلسطيني سوري مستعد لأقوم باي عمل ضد السفارة الاسرائلية في نيجيريا
والله يحمي سوريا
وهاد اميلي
انا حاولت الاتصال بكم هاتفياً
moaiad mehriz
Wed, 3 Apr 2013 08:10 EDT
lost passport
good day
my name is moaiad mehriz and im a syrian
i have got the visa to nigeria and base on that i poked a tacket to lagos
but my passport is been sent from the emmbasy in lebanon to the embassy in syria and im enable to have it back my flight is monday morning and i dont have the passport
Sat, 15 Dec 2012 13:21 EST
Can I validate this contract whether real or scam Thank you Contract is from a company NNPC I want to sent to you, but I can not find an email
wasfi salim
Sat, 13 Oct 2012 15:49 EDT
السلام عليكم انا مواطن عراقي اسكن حاليا في سوريا مع عائلتي هل دولة نيجيريا تمنح اللجوء للعراقين ماهي شروط السفر ارجو منكم الاجابه لطفا

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