Nigerian flag Embassy of Nigeria in Jakarta

Jakarta Selatan
PostalPO BOX 3649
Phonelocal: (021) 526.0922
international: +62.21.526.0922
Faxlocal: (021) 526.0924
international: +62.21.526.0924

Comments on this Embassy

Sun, 16 Oct 2016 14:42 EDT
How to extend nigerian passpor
Dear Sir/Madam
i would like to ask is it possible to update Nigeria pasport in Nigeria Embassy? What the require and the cost?

Thanks and regards
Sat, 30 Jul 2016 05:40 EDT
nigeria should close their embarsy in indonesia
nigerian government should close there embarsy in indonesia and stop there people from travelling to indonesia. the are satanic agents
ubah afamefuna
Fri, 13 May 2016 15:10 EDT
immigration problem
Dear sir I want to let my embassy to know my problem,
First i ask immigration that i want to go bck my country Nigeria
I ask them that i don't have money to buy tickets and somebody own
Them say ok and now my ticket already with me and i already tell the immigration that my ticket with me so them can take me to my embassy so i can take TC but them start ask me 5 million and i don't have that money and let my embassy do something for me coz my ticket will be on Thursday please am ask for help thanks
Taufikurokhman Solechan
Wed, 17 Feb 2016 23:37 EST
Working Visa for Nigeria
I got offering as Pipeline Technical Consultant for NLNG.
The consultant is Amaiden Energy Nigeria Limited.
How to get Working Visa for Nigeria...? What the document require to get that Working Visa...?
I already have the Expatriate Quota Approval.
Looking forward to your reply.
Please send the information to my email at

Your kind help is very highly appreciated.


Taufikurokhman Solechan
Fri, 25 Dec 2015 12:58 EST
lending company in nigeria
dear sir, my name is ahmad imam Qushayri I apply for loans to lenders named chloe morrison I want to ask if the company exists and is legal because I have a lot to spend money to get a loan because of a lot of requirements that must be paid beg for answers because I am very confusion please reply on my email thank you and I really look forward to your reply soon once again thank you very much
Tue, 22 Dec 2015 09:10 EST
Request Help Health Education Activities Fund
The increasing number of patients "CARDIOVASCULAR" (narrowing of blood vessels due to diabetes, cholesterol and uric acid) in Indonesia based on data from various hospital showed that the patients who come for treatment on average had reached an advanced stage, is caused by the lack of information received by society.

Then we hereby consultants INSTITUTE OF PUBLIC HEALTH CARE (LPKM) has been carrying out health education in order to socialize in order to raise public awareness of the dangers of Cardiovascular.

The constraints in the field is the lack of funds to carry out social activities, ranging from transport, meals and others. For that we ask the participation of funds from the Nigeria ambassador appropriate for operational costs in the field. we are aware that these social activities do not get any advantage. If you want to participate can send funds to Bank Syariah Mandiri in the name of. Thanks before.
Thu, 9 Jul 2015 04:14 EDT
Dear sir/madam
I would like to visit my bf to Nigerian end of December and we planing to merry there,plz imfm me how frosedur to get visa cost and terms,,or can I find that any number to contact the person there,,now i stay in malaysia with my bf but i cant find the visa from here the saying i have to take from jakarta nigerian ambassy,so my pleasure ned urs help me to get,,please send to me email or with,,or my contact phone is 0169686679

My regard

Mon, 6 Jul 2015 11:40 EDT
Dear Sir/ma......
I will love to know the criteria and cost for a nigeria citizen resident in indonesia to update his passport expiring date.
Olowe oluwakemi
Fri, 26 Jun 2015 09:04 EDT
procedure to join five days seminar in Indonesia
Dear sir/ma
Please I wanna know the procedure to join five sense hold in Jakarta, I wish to join this program, mplease help, I'm presently in Malang Indonesia, a Darmasiswa student. I'm through with my course here. Please secondly I wanna know how to extend ma stay here in Indonesia, looking forward for your due consideration. Thanks.
Mon, 22 Jun 2015 01:43 EDT
I AM SO HAPPY TO PART OF ONE NIGERIAN LIVING OUT THE COUNTRY TODAY(INDONESIA)please is my joy to use the from to comment on generally the welfare of many nigerians who in one way or the other found the themself on platform of any other country as it may be for greener pasture.i seek the cordinations of embassy,nigerians living in indonesia as well as good relationships amonge it member,in count of four nigerians lost in one way or other to government charge of this i make my humbly self known to the embassy here in jakarta and also the present govenment of nigeria(the bebe government)thank you as we hope to live in co-oprations for betters days ahead.pls see world cardinals confreance for more informations about me..St.Vitus(1866-1886)ppd*1#cltp@

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