Spanish flag Embassy of Spain in Caracas

AddressAv. Mohedano, entre la 1.ª y 2.ª transversal
La Castellana
Phonelocal: (0212) 263.2855
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Faxlocal: (0212) 261.0892
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» Can I visit Spain without a visa?

Comments on this Embassy

Carlos Lozano Castillo
Wed, 11 Aug 2021 12:18 EDT
Wed, 1 Jul 2020 07:58 EDT
Urgent question
Is the Spanish embassy located in Caracas considered to be Spanish territory? If so according to which law is this the case

Kind regards
Mr Paribas
Sun, 28 Aug 2016 10:47 EDT
we do visa within 0ne week
Hello General Public

we are a travelling agent known as Silva Travels and Tours and we do visa to anybody without crime or any bad record, we get visa for you at affordable price and if you are interested in travelling to any part in the world for business trip, Education or say, we do visa within 0ne week, we are a USA based travelling company. so if you need a visa or ticket or want to study in abroad, you can contct us today on phone via or via our email on .

Mr Michael
Fri, 5 Aug 2016 09:24 EDT
visa ?
hello i am citizen from venezuela
i would like fly from caracas to frankfurt so my question i need to visa to enter spain or can i continue my travel to frankfurt ?
and thanks..
lemuel de mesa
Thu, 2 Aug 2012 11:01 EDT
transit visa
good morning, i am a filipino citizen,i am going back to the philippines from venezuela. i would like to request for transit visa from your embassy so i can return to the philippines. i cannot afford the flight to frankfurt for it is very expensive. i am hoping for your kind support and understanding.
Ian Woods
Tue, 19 Oct 2010 16:35 EDT
Bad treatment of people coming for information on travel from Venezuela to Spain
My friend went to obtain information from the consulate in Caracas on what is required for her to visit me in Spain.

where unfortunately she was treated worse than a dog.

This was not someone of the street this is a retired, highly intelligent, warm and financially secure person.

Personally the people who attended her should not be allowed to hold any job, let alone a position of such importance if I was in charge and I had seen this these people would be sacked on the spot..

She is now extremely upset and doesn't want anything more to do with any Spaniard.

Whereas of course one cannot judge a nation by a few uneducated and valueless people but to have these type of people attending people from a foreign country is at best a measure of the stupidity and attitude of the people who run the Consulate and does not bode well for the representation of Spanish people abroad.

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